Fianna Fáil minister of state Niall Collins is refusing to address a second unusually high driving expenses claim – where he said he drove almost 3,000 kilometres in a month when the Dáil wasn’t sitting and his diary suggests just 170 kilometres of driving for ministerial work.
Green party minister arts minister Catherine Martin says her unusually high, tax-free, ministerial driving expenses claim for August 2021, a month when the Dáil wasn’t sitting and her diary showed only a handful of ministerial engagements, has been "rectified".
Fianna Fáil junior minister Niall Collins won’t explain his inordinately high tax-free ministerial driving expenses claim for August 2022 – when the Dáil was in recess and his diary showed few ministerial engagements.
Fianna Fáil junior minister James Browne appointed a party loyalist and constituency ally to a €400-a-meeting state firearms board despite serious concerns raised by the man’s industry colleagues.
The businessman who sold the HSE more than €3 million of unusable hand sanitiser during the Covid-19 pandemic made a profit of at least €1.4 million on the deal.