Ex-Fine Gael taoiseach John Bruton’s “right-hand man” has built an international property empire – which includes two palatial Dublin 6 properties – that brings in €139,800 in rent a year.
Housing minister Darragh O’Brien’s brother was among three county councillors who intervened in a planning application submitted by one of the co-defendants in the Regency Hotel attack case.
Having failed to declare his ownership of 13 rental properties, Fingal county councillor Ted Leddy has had two new ethics declarations uploaded to the council's website – failing in each case to acknowledge the new versions.
Earlier this year The Ditch reported that Leo Varadkar is letting out his two-bedroom Castleknock, west Dublin apartment for €1,600 a month.
So let’s take a look at cheaper two-bedroom rental apartments in cities with populations similar to Dublin.
Fianna Fáil senator Erin McGreehan twice failed to declare her directorship of a family company she falsely claimed had been dissolved.