Up to 24 Ukrainian refugees are being housed in an illegally converted construction company office in a basement in Donegal. They’re given €30 Lidl vouchers each for their weeks’ food.
A single Irish fund has in the last three years bought more than 850 second-hand homes and is now among the biggest landlords in the state.
An Bord Pleanála (ABP) allowed a developer to value the site for a major housing development at three times the price paid for it just three years previous.
After allegations of An Bord Pleanála (ABP) board members voting on applications concerning their home neighbourhoods, two board members have changed their declarations on what they consider their immediate neighbourhoods.
An Bord Pleanála (ABP) didn’t charge a developer more than €750,000 in statutory fees the planning authority should’ve collected. The fees would’ve been used for infrastructure projects and other community services local to the development.