A Board Pleanála (ABP) board member twice overruled a planning inspector to block the construction of 47 apartments less than half a kilometre from her Dublin 8 home.
A Fianna Fáil MEP failed to register a rental property with the Residential Tenancies Board (RTB) for more than two years.
Westmeath County Council paid Robert Troy more than the agreed sale price for a property it purchased from the ex-minister. The transaction occurred in June 2018 and was one of Troy’s sales to a local authority that he didn’t declare in his Dáil register.
A Sinn Féin TD received a loan from a charity while he was serving as one of its directors. The deputy said he was not involved in the decision to approve the loan.
Longford County Council spent more than €40,000 on construction work on a house it bought from Robert Troy for almost double what the Longford–Westmeath TD paid for it.