FedEx last night deleted evidence from its online tracking system of munitions it illegally shipped to Israel through Irish territory.
Tánaiste Micheál Martin’s department says it has “no records” about a United States Air Force missile carrier that used Irish sovereign airspace earlier this month on its way to Israel.
Israel’s national airline transported more than 1,300 kilogrammes of guns through Irish territory to Israel last week – despite The Ditch first reporting a month ago that the airline was illegally transporting munitions through the state.
A United States Air Force missile carrier – used to transport missile systems, one of which the US controversially deployed to Israel last week – flew through Irish sovereign airspace four days ago on its way to an Israeli air base.
For at least the last three years German national airline Lufthansa has been transporting munitions of war through Irish territory to an Israel Defense Forces (IDF) air base.