The company contracted to manage garda staff recruitment was forced to pay almost €6 million to its workers after a British revenue investigation found it had breached minimum wage law.
An Garda Síochána
Maybe an old world is dying, like Antonio Gramsci told us, like Ursula von der Leyen is telling us, like those for whom Ireland’s neutrality is an anachronism unfit to withstand the threat of a barbarous non-west are telling us.
A senior garda accused a sergeant who brought him a report on alleged garda corruption of “neglect of duty” and “underhand action”.
The Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) – in correspondence marked “urgent and confidential” – has confirmed the “potentially significant” patient safety issues caused by the use of non-medical grade springs in surgery at Temple Street Children's Hospital.
The Ditch can reveal that a county Westmeath man pleaded guilty this month to possession of a shotgun last year that should’ve been in garda custody.